
A’i’s made by You

You can teach it and share it with the world.

Coming to you Spring 2024

Empowering the future of A’i’®

Our mission is to democratize, decentralize, and promote near-universal access to the benefits of open, advanced artificial intelligence.

You’re in complete control of your data.

You are in control. Your data is your data. We never sell, or monetize your data unless you explicitly donate it.

You’re in complete control of the culture and personality of your A’i’

Personalize it. Train the AI to know what you like and what you believe in. We leave politics, values, and culture to you.

You’re in control to teach it new skills for work or play. Choose to share it with others for fun or economic exchange.

Do you have knowledge you want to share with the world? Be an A’i’ model creator and delight users.

Contact Us

Got questions? Interested in partnering with us? Reach out via our contact form or email us directly at

Alpha Waitlist Sign Up

To be added to the waitlist, we need to know what machine you will be using. We’ll let you know when we can offer your machine and guide you through the setup and use. We’re here to help and are excited to welcome you to our community.