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    Traveling in a new places and looking for secret courses and nice views? Your local Running Guide will tour you through a 30min city run or maybe a full 4h trail course!

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    Kind of lazy today, not really self-motivated to kick off your running shoes? Your local Running Guide will offer you the pull you're looking for, from dawn to dusk and even under the moonlight!

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    Bored to do "Your Wednesday evening run" or "Your Sunday morning routine", week after week? Your local Running Guide has "THE run" going through the hidden passages and passing by nicest locations around here: just let her be your head!

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Guides from Tour My Runs are runners as you are and live where you just landed. Running with you, they offer to share unique or regular runs so you just have to follow knowledgable local runners to enjoy the place you're in.

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Great places

Place: Paris, City Run: 8km (5miles) - 50min (10km/h, 6mph)

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Amazing runs

Place: Lac villeneuve de la raho, Trail Run: 6.5km (4miles) - D+: 200m (600ft) - 45min (7km/h, 4.5mph)

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